The following is a Sample copy of our Purchase Agreement/Health Guarantee.  Please review it before sending in your Puppy Application. We will send you a completed copy to E-sign after your Puppy Application is approved, your application fee received, and you are placed on the confirmed wait list for a current litter. Thank You!

Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for a puppy from our current litter. To ensure that your puppy remains available for you, please fill out the following Purchase Agreement/Health Guarantee; sign all pages & return with your *non-refundable partial payment (approx. 1/2 of the total price), due no later than  __/__/__(your pup's birthday).  Final payment (inc. taxes, delivery, other fees, etc.) is due at selection (approximately your pup's is 5 week birthday).  Payments not received by the due date(s) will release your puppy to another buyer, and your previous fees/payments will be forfeited (note: payments by check are due 10 days before puppy pickup, if that date is prior to aforementioned date). *All fees/payments are non-refundable, except under the condition that we do not have a pup from this litter to match your application; or in the event of serious illness or death of your puppy before delivery. If there is not a puppy for you in this litter, any puppy payments received will be returned and you will be moved to a future litter (note that the application fee is non-refundable and not returned).

Part I ~ PRICES for our Goldendoodle litters are as follows (Purchase Agreement will reflect current pricing and type of litter):

*Purchase Price for Goldendoodle puppy is to be determined at selection based on color (*the purchase price does not include taxes, official health certificates, or shipping/delivery; these charges are the responsibility of buyer). 

Part II ~ The Breeder's Responsibility
- Breeder warrants pup is Goldendoodle registerable to Goldendoodle Assoc. of No. Am. & registration application will be provided to Buyer.
- Breeder warrants that puppy's parents are AKC Standard Poodle, AKC Golden Retriever, or GANA Goldendoodle.
- The breeder guarantees that the puppy will be examined by a veterinarian and issued a certificate of good health before delivery (the health exam will be at approx. 7.5 weeks of age). Unofficial health certificate shall be provided to buyer at the time they take possession of the puppy.
- The breeder guarantees the puppy to be healthy and free of disabling genetic diseases as prescribed in this contract and stated in the guarantee below.

Part III ~ Initial Heath Guarantee
Your puppy is guaranteed to be in good health at the time of delivery (or when shipping, at the time of shipment).  The breeder provides the following 72 hour guarantee during which time the buyer is encouraged to have the puppy checked by a licensed veterinarian (at the buyer's expense):
1)  If the veterinarian finds any preexisting serious or life threatening problem the buyer may return the dog to the breeder within 48 hours of the exam for either:
A full refund of the original purchase price, minus all shipping costs (refund does not include expenses incurred by the buyer);
OR, The puppy may be exchanged for a similar puppy as soon as one is available (all shipping expenses to be paid by the buyer).
2)  Should the puppy be found to have a minor preexisting condition by a licensed vet during the 72 hour period, the buyer will contact the breeder immediately.  The breeder will be responsible for the costs of medications only, up to the amount of $100. The buyer shall provide documentation of the condition of the dog from the examining vet. The breeder will not provide reimbursement for expenses incurred without breeder's prior approval and vet documentation. The vet exam expense is the responsibility of the buyer.
Unfortunately, the breeder is unable to provide replacements or refunds on pups that are harmed or become ill during shipping (buyer is encouraged to review airline policies regarding liability and insurance). The breeder is not responsible to cover the cost of treatment for giardia, coccidia, fleas, ticks, or other health conditions that the puppy could acquire during the 72 hour period after it leaves the breeder. Once the puppy has cleared the initial vet exam OR the 72 hour time frame passes it is understood that the breeder has provided a healthy puppy. This guarantee does not cover shipping expenses. No exchanges or reimbursement regarding the Initial Health Guarantee will be made after the initial 72 hour period ends.

Part IV ~ Genetic Health Guarantee
The breeder warranties the puppy to be free of disabling inheritable genetic defects seriously affecting the quality of life of the dog diagnosed on or before 24 months of age, including:  
- Hip dysplasia on or before 24 months of age as diagnosed by either OFA, PennHip, or Evet (a veterinarian cannot make the diagnosis). NOTE: The potential for HD does not constitute a disabling defect. PennHip evaluations estimate the chance of a dog having any degree of HD in their lifetime, therefore PennHip results must show evidence of OA/HD.
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) or other hereditary eye disease seriously affecting the quality of life on or before 24 months of age as diagnosed by a veterinarian certified by ACVO.
- Von Willebrand’s or other inherited disease expressed in the dog which seriously affects quality of life, on or before 24 months of age as diagnosed by an OFA approved DNA lab.
Should the puppy be found to have a disabling inherited genetic defect requiring treatment the buyer shall have the following choice:
1) Breeder will reimburse the buyer for Vet prescribed treatment expenses up to 50 % the original purchase price of the puppy (excluding shipping costs)
2) Breeder will provide a replacement pup (buyer is responsible for costs associated with shipping the puppy).

NOTE: Buyer must contact Breeder for consultation PRIOR to treatments or surgery for disabling genetic defects to keep this guarantee in effect, in order that all possible treatment options can be reviewed. If the dog is euthanized or in any way disposed of, without a second opinion from the Breeder's Veterinarian the Buyer waives all rights to a replacement puppy or to any financial payment as compensation. The above Genetic Health guarantee requires that the buyer's licensed vet must provide medical proof of any claim to the Breeder (and, if requested, to Breeder's Veterinarian), accompanied by corroborating documentation (x-rays/blood tests, etc.) from an approved source (as stated above) documenting that a disabling genetic defect exists. Additionally, the documentation shall include a statement by the Vet that unequivocally states that the defect is a hereditary defect that could not have been caused by environmental factors.  This documentation will be provided at purchasers cost. The buyer will provide proof of veterinary expenses and a copy of the paid invoice before reimbursement is provided. All testing and examinations are the responsibility of the buyer.


Part V ~ The Buyer's Responsibility
The buyer agrees:
- Upon receipt of this Purchase Agreement/Health Guarantee, Buyer will sign and return to the Breeder with a non-refundable payment (approximately 50% of the base purchase price) due by __/__/__ (puppy's 2 day birthdate) to acknowledge acceptance of these terms. Final payments (inc. taxes, delivery, other fees if applicable) are due to the Breeder at puppy selection, except for payments by check which are due 10 days before puppy pickup if that is prior to this date. Failure to return this Purchase Agreement/Health Guarantee and payments to the breeder by the dates assigned will cause the buyer to forfeit all deposits and payments made previously and release the breeder from all contractual obligations and release your puppy to another buyer.
- Buyer agrees to take delivery of the puppy on the pup's 8 week birthday by arranged appointment. Due to the home-raised nature of our breeding program, and the fact that we are not a kennel, we are not able to keep your puppy past the adoption date. 
- Buyer agrees not to take the puppy to public places unless reasonable precautions are used to prevent exposure to contagious disease, and not to socialize the puppy with unvaccinated dogs until a minimum of 10 days from the date of the final set of puppy shots, doing so will void all guarantees.
- All testing, transportation, and veterinary costs are at the buyer's expense.
- The Health Guarantee is non-transferable. In the case the dog has been sold or given away, the Health Guarantee becomes void.
- Dogs that have been physically injured are not covered by this guarantee.
- Dog must be kept current on all vaccinations, heartworm medication, worming, flea & tick preventative, and other preventative maintenance as recommended by common veterinary practice for this puppy to remain under warranty. Veterinary health records demonstrating the above, in addition to proof of diagnosis, treatment, and payment must be provided if Guarantee is to be enforced.
- Buyer agrees to maintain the puppy at a proper, healthy weight using breeder recommended high quality dog food and/or supplements appropriate for the size and age of the puppy. Buyer agrees to limit the use of stairs and agrees not to over exercise the puppy during the first year.  These provisions are so as to prevent bone growth defects and are based on current research.
- All veterinary and transportation expenses are the buyer's obligation.  The breeder reserves the right to have the dog examined by a veterinarian of their choice at the buyer's expense before a replacement or refund is made.
- Buyer understands dog is not guaranteed to be hypoallergenic or low shedding; and that no guarantee is made regarding size, color, or coat. Buyer understands minor imperfections such as malocclusion (bites), undescended testicles, umbilical hernias, and other cosmetic issues are not covered in this guarantee.
- Buyers agree that they may be buying a puppy “sight unseen.” Buyer agrees that all sales are final, except for as noted in this contract under health guarantee, and that there will be no refunds made, except as noted in this contract.
-Buyer agrees to notify Zippity Doodles first if it becomes necessary to re-home the dog at any point during its life.
-Buyer agrees to grant permission for Zippity Doodles to post pictures shared with breeder on the internet.
-This puppy is sold as a pet/companion only. The breeding of our dogs without breeding rights under a separate contract is prohibited. Buyer must spay or neuter the dog by 7 months of age and provide verification to keep this guarantee in force. Failure to do so will render the guarantee null and void, and may result in repossession of the dog.  Buyer will be responsible for all expenses incurred in repossessing the dog including legal fees and up to $10,000 in fines for breeding a Zippity Doodles Goldendoodle without prior written consent. It is mutually understood and agreed that any litigation regarding this sale shall be brought about in the County & State where the sale originated.
-Breeder reserves the right to refuse or cancel sale of pup to anyone, at anytime, for any reason.

I have read the above conditions, I understand them, and agree to abide by them as indicated by my signature below.
______________________________________Print name
______________________________________E-mail           ___/___/____ date

Zippity Doodles™ ~ Golden, CO  80401 ~
Sample copy

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